Bible Study and Fellowship Groups
Men’s Breakfast –(NOT CURRENTLY MEETING) Calling all our men… come have fellowship over faith discussion as we eat a yummy breakfast on the 1st Saturday of the month at 8:00 a.m. Locations do change but at the moment we meet at Valley Cafe on rt. 663 in Pennsburg.
Theology on Tap – (NOT CURRENTLY MEETING) What could be more fun than faith-filled discussions on a wide variety of topics related to our journey as Christians over beverages at the local pub? We invite all 21 and older to join the discussion at the Main Street Hotel in Bally. This group meets from September through June on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m.
Women’s Breakfast – (NOT CURRENTLY MEETING) For all the Ladies, how about discussing faith over a yummy breakfast on the 3rd Saturday of the month at 8:30 a.m. Locations do change but at the moment we meet at the Pennsburg Diner on Rt. 663 in Pennsburg.
Sunday Church School – Sunday School start the 2nd Sunday of September through the last Sunday of May during the 9am worship service. The children start worship with their families and then leave to enjoy Sunday School with their teacher. Children then return to commune as a congregational family and complete the service together.
Confirmation Class - Confirmation classes are held on Sundays before the 9am church service twice a month starting in September for students in grades 7-9.